woman and children

Can We Train Our Immune System To Fight Chronic Illness?

The human body is a symbiotic system that requires all its components to function at a certain level. When everything runs smoothly, the body is in optimal health. However, if one organ or system is hindered, it can mess up the delicate ecosystem and lead to health problems. One vital piece of the health puzzle is immunity and how it affects the body.

People with robust immune systems can ward off disease and illness without issue. However, when the immune system struggles to do its job, it leaves people susceptible to frequent infection and the development of chronic health disorders, conditions, syndromes, and diseases.

New medical breakthroughs continue to shed light on the immune system and its role in overall health, as well as different methods that can be used to strengthen the immune system. One such term that has been making rounds lately is trained immunity. But what is trained immunity, exactly? And how can it work for you?

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person with chronic fatigue syndrome

How Can You Identify Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

It’s normal to feel tired sometimes. With everyday obligations around work, home life, and personal wellness practices, it’s no wonder that many teenagers and adults feel as though they’re exhausted more often than not. That said, there is a difference between feeling tired because of a hectic schedule and feeling tired for seemingly no reason. Chronic tiredness or fatigue is often downplayed or dismissed as a symptom of today’s modern world. But for many people, there is something deeper underneath the surface causing those excessive feelings of fatigue. One such example of this is chronic fatigue syndrome. But what exactly is this condition, and how do you identify chronic fatigue syndrome? Let’s investigate.

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What Autoimmune Diseases Can Epstein-Barr Virus Contribute To?

Human health can be fickle, especially if you contract a specific pathogen. Various bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other harmful substances can infiltrate the body and wreak havoc on more than one system. Research has shown that catching certain viruses or other illnesses can increase a person’s risk of developing different types of diseases later in life.

While the reasoning for this differs depending on the type of pathogen and the disease that develops, one such virus and disease connection found is the Epstein-Barr virus and autoimmune disease. But what is the Epstein-Barr virus? And what autoimmune diseases can Epstein-Barr virus contribute to?

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woman with long covid experiencing symptoms

How Long COVID Is Changing The Perception Of Persistent Lyme

As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued, medical professionals and researchers have begun to notice that recovering from COVID is not as simple as recovering from many other viral infections. The initial symptoms that occur while someone is infected, such as a fever, cough, and fatigue, are all expected – but what many people are still unaware of are the aftereffects of COVID-19.

The fact that certain symptoms can stick around long after recovery from an illness is not a new revelation, though. People who have had Lyme disease know all too well that getting over the initial infection is not always the end of the battle, and people with long COVID are learning this as well. But what is long COVID, exactly? And what does it have to do with Lyme disease?

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man experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) & What Causes It?

It’s normal to feel tired, especially with the high-demand lifestyles many people lead today. However, feeling generally fatigued because of a lack of sleep, being overworked, or not getting enough exercise is all typically normal. It’s when that fatigue becomes inescapable that it can be a real problem. When a person feels extreme fatigue that does not cease regardless of how much rest one gets, and it isn’t attributed to an underlying health condition, it is referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

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