woman and children

Can We Train Our Immune System To Fight Chronic Illness?

The human body is a symbiotic system that requires all its components to function at a certain level. When everything runs smoothly, the body is in optimal health. However, if one organ or system is hindered, it can mess up the delicate ecosystem and lead to health problems. One vital piece of the health puzzle is immunity and how it affects the body.

People with robust immune systems can ward off disease and illness without issue. However, when the immune system struggles to do its job, it leaves people susceptible to frequent infection and the development of chronic health disorders, conditions, syndromes, and diseases.

New medical breakthroughs continue to shed light on the immune system and its role in overall health, as well as different methods that can be used to strengthen the immune system. One such term that has been making rounds lately is trained immunity. But what is trained immunity, exactly? And how can it work for you?

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person with cold flu

What Is Chronic Immune Suppression?

The immune system is a vital piece of the health puzzle. It acts as a defender against all types of infections and illnesses while also encouraging overall health throughout the body by warding off disease and chronic ailments such as cancer. The system is a collection of glands, organs, and tissues working together toward optimal health.

The immune system is always “on”, continuously working to keep you healthy and safe. However, the immune system can become faulty or stop working as it should. When this happens, it is often referred to as immune suppression – the action of the system is hindered or suppressed. Since the immune system does so much for the health of the body, when it isn’t able to work as hard as it should, it can lead to other health problems.

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The Link Between Microbiota And Immunity

The human body is host to trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the microbiome, which resides mainly in the gut. Recent scientific discoveries have illuminated the pivotal role of the microbiome in shaping our immune system’s development, function, and overall health. As it turns out, the link between microbiota and immunity is strong – the body’s microorganisms are vital in terms of gut health, but also the health of the entire body due to the massive role they play in its various functions and systems.

This symbiotic relationship between the microbiota and immunity is being studied extensively, as it holds good insights for preventing and managing various chronic diseases. Medical researchers continue to unearth new facts about the role the microbiome plays in overall health, especially where immunity is concerned. With this new information, people can understand more clearly the connection between different aspects of health, such as the gut and the immune system. But what is the role of gut microbiota in immunity, exactly? And how do microbes boost the immune system?

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cold flu supplies

6 Ways To Strengthen The Lyme Disease Immune System

Living with Lyme disease can be challenging. Many people are infected with the disease and recover quickly with the proper antibiotic treatment – however, others will develop post-treatment Lyme disease symptoms that can hinder the health of the entire body, including the immune system. When the immune system in Lyme disease patients is negatively affected, it can lead to the body being less able to fight off other infections and chronic diseases. The good news is that there are ways to strengthen the Lyme disease immune system. Read on to learn more!

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immune cells

What Is A CD57 Cell Marker?

The immune system is home to various cells, all of which have their own jobs to do when it comes to keeping the body functioning and healthy. Immune cells are broken up into several categorizations: lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages, and neutrophils. Within the lymphocyte grouping, there are T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer cells.

 T-cells are designed to start a reaction against specific pathogens, which then signals B-cells to start creating antibodies – proteins designed to help the body fight off pathogens. Natural killer cells are then tasked with activating receptors that lead to the production of small proteins that can kill the pathogen or limit its ability to spread throughout the body. 

The immune system uses all of these cells to help keep you healthy. However, in some diseases or infections, levels of immune cells can change dramatically. One such cell is often negatively affected by disease: a natural killer cell known as CD57. But what is a CD57 cell marker? And how is it related to chronic illnesses such as Lyme disease?

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